CompareGuru Financial Services is an authorised financial services provider FSP. 47696
Zestlife is a registered financial service provider, providing individuals and their families with innovative needs based life and health insurance cover. Their mission is to design policies that protect you and your family from the unforeseen financial consequences of death, disability, injury and illness. Providing top-quality Gap Cover and being re-insured by Swiss Re and Gen Re, being 2 of the largest insurance companies in the world, Zestlife's insurance policies ensure that should you submit a valid claim, they will not only be willing, but also able to settle it in line with any undertaking set out in our insurance policies. Zestlife is an authorised financial service provider. FSP Number: 37485. Policies underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited (FSP number 76) and Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd. (FSP number 75).
Benefits include: